Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Colorado Bike to Work Day

May is Bike To Work Month.  June 22nd happened to be Bike to Work Day in Colorado.  We've been volunteering lots lately and signed up to help run a breakfast station here in Arvada.  Fun was had by all.

We arrived at the station off the Ralston Creek Trail near Balsam shortly after 6:30 this morning.  (Hey, I'm on vacation...I'm surprised it wasn't later.  ;-) )  Anne and Sandy had various muffins, bagels, fruit and yummy snacks ready to go.  The typical set up is under a pavilion at the park, but they lose a lot of riders who pass it up on the trail.  This year they decided to set up a satellite table with breakfast at the trail converge.  Chris and I were to man that.

The turn out was good.  We probably had about 40 riders stop by.  Passed out lots of Bike Arvada cards and talked it up.  All was good.

Speaking of volunteering, we helped at the 1st Aid Station for the Denver Century a couple weekends ago and helped out at the booth for ACT at the Rocky Mountain Bike Festival.  We've really tried to involve ourselves in the cycling community.  Everyone has been so amazing and we have had tons of fun.  Oh and we've gotten to ride our bikes!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Musings on a ride about town

I suppose you could say I scolded another cyclist today.  I use the term cyclist loosely, but she was on a bike.  I sure hope she doesn't drive a car like she rides a bike.  I was traveling up Pierce through Arvada and passed a woman on a bike, riding against traffic in the left lane.  I assumed she was almost to her destination and pedaled on.  I assumed incorrectly and was passed by her a few minutes later.  This time she was in the right lane, on the yellow line.  I figured she was just giving me room and was going to move over immediately.  She instead weaved in and out of both lanes of traffic.  I finally yelled to her that she needed to ride with traffic and get over to the right.  "Huh?" was her response.  I repeated and said it really is much safer to ride with traffic.  She headed my warning for a few feet and then repeated her erratic cycling.  Luckily we had made it to Seacrest Rec. Center and she pulled in to the parking lot.  It is no wonder that motorists get annoyed with people on bikes.  I get annoyed with people on bikes.

On a happier note, been riding lots.  Did almost 20 miles today.  Plans are to ride again this afternoon.  I'm hoping to have almost 40 miles by the end of the day.  Took the Ute out to Hyland and then Sunflower for groceries.  I think I'll take the road bike this afternoon.  I definitely notice a difference in the rides.  The Ute has a much more comfortable saddle, but my Giant flies!