Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Name Game

3/4 of my family can fit comfortably on the Ute.  On Tuesday, we needed to go on a grocery store run and so I pedaled and Chris and Lily sat on the back.  Unfortunately I'm not so good at hauling that much weight yet.  A little awkward going up the little hill (and tough on the lungs) but possible.  That makes me happy.  With a little training, I think I'll be pulling everyone up the big hills.  Chris lugged us home after shopping and was a pro.

I'm still in love and think the Ute is the most amazing bike I've had the privilege of riding.

I have the day off tomorrow and the weekend is looking like the most beautiful weather of the year.  I am planning some major miles for my trusty friend.  By the way, she needs a name.  The Ute is definitely a girl.  Suggestions?