Monday, March 28, 2011

The Ute's First Commute

Chris is still "working out the kinks" on my Ute for me.  He took it on it's maiden work commute today.  I'm pretty sure the only time I've ever seen him happier was at the birth of our children and maybe our wedding day.  

He says, and I quote, "It rides better than any bike I've ever owned. I may run off and elope with it. It's been really hard for me not to run down and do a few laps around the parking lot."  The funny thing is, I wasn't really bothered by that.  :-)  

The weekend weather forecast is looking to be beautiful.  I expect a grand journey on the Ute for me.  I am daydreaming about traversing the multiuse paths in the area, ringing my happy little bell, grinning like an idiot.  

In other news, the CannonballX is being powder coated this week.  All the Xtracycle components will be in on Friday.  It looks like I may regain possession of my longtail in a week!


  1. Sooner. I'll get the OBS ready for tomorrow and ride it the rest of the week. I may only need to borrow the Ute to run pick up the finished frame.

    You're the best! And not just because you let me hijack your bike without resorting to retaliatory violence.

  2. I hope the Cannonball turns out well for Chris and the xtracycle conversion is all he had hoped. You have made good choices and will be the happy riding family for a long time.

  3. Hope you have perfect weather for the weekend.

  4. I think the Cannonball is going to be all that and a bag of chips! We are pretty excited about it. The weather this weekend is supposed to be 70s and sunny. I foresee a long ride.
