Sunday, May 1, 2011

April's 30 Days of Biking Recap

I did not ride everyday of April, but I rode a lot.  Much more than I usually do.  I managed a couple trips by bike to and from Golden.  On Thursday, I ventured all by myself (with Bean on the back of course) to Westminster.  That was pretty exhilarating and empowering all at once.  Chris texted me the directions and without much thought, I just went.  In about one hour I maneuvered the Ute north and east to Hyland to pick up Boone.  With both kids on the back, I travelled home.  I was pretty thankful when I met up with Chris on Garrison and unloaded the big kid to his bike.  We did it a second time on Friday.  I think it is going to be a habit for me most days now.  Picking Boone up from school is a fun and easy way to add my bike to my day.

While I didn't do 30 consecutive days of riding in April I made a conscious effort to ride more.  I think I shall one up myself in May.  I have visions of a Thistle Gin transformation happening to me.  Who knows, maybe it will.

1 comment:

  1. It will:
